Palo Alto Hypnosys

Palo Alto Hypnosis
Dorthy Tyo, CHt.
Instructor and Director, PASOH
Palo Alto, California

Dorthy V.Tyo, Director of The Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy
The Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy(PASOH)offers the most modern techniques of hypnotherapy expanding upon the curriculum that has been taught since 1977.
Josie Hadley, the Founder, opened the doors with a vision and over these past 31 years, and during her lifetime, her vision expanded into an International Hypnotherapy Program. The School also offers hypnotherapy certification courses in Chinese and Spanish.
Ms. Hadley authored Hypnosis for Change, New Harbinger Publishing, now in its 3rd edition and translated into several languages. Hypnosis for Change is required reading for hypnosis novices and a proven reference source for practicing professionals.
Dorthy V. Tyo,Director,has a vision also and sets her intention toward developing and further growing the PASOH legacy. A longtime proponent of developing new ideas for self-empowerment, and training others to help people help themselves, Dorthy brings greater public awareness toward the benefits of hypnosis as a therapeutic intervention for health and wellness.
Exciting Career Changes!
When considering a career change or thinking about a motivating, creative outlet for your personal benefit you may want to explore hypnotherapy. Your most advantageous field of research could begin with a phone call to (650) 321-6419; A PASOH representative will be available to personally answer your questions or you can email directly: Very often we can schedule a time for you to visit the school and possibly audit a current class.
Whether your curiosity about hypnotherapy leans toward personal enrichment or a rewarding career adventure, our staff is available to assist

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